My work is fueled by a deep fascination with understanding and optimizing the human experience.

This exploration lies at the core of my mission and purpose, inspiring me to promote self-actualization, healing, strength, and unity through art.

I view art as medicine, with the capacity to cure both personal and societal wounds. Whether through the lyrics of a breakup song that soothe a broken heart or storytelling that reveals societal conflicts and inspires unity, art holds the profound power to heal and connect.

I believe art can be more than a decorative form; beyond mere entertainment, it can act as powerful medium for spreading messages with the potential to impact, shape, and transform our culture on both individual and societal levels.


My journey has been influenced by profound personal challenges that led me to a deeper understanding of the mind’s complexities.

At age 23, I faced a series of personal crises that culminated in a suicide attempt, marking the beginning of a five-year struggle with mental and physical health. After enduring various misdiagnoses and incorrect medications, I was ultimately diagnosed with severe C-PTSD and underwent neurofeedback therapy to regulate my nervous system and heal my brain.

This experience sparked my interest in neuroscience, consciousness, and the process of trauma healing. Through research and exploration, I discovered that trauma can live in the body and manifest as physical symptoms and illness—both of which I had also faced.

This realization led me to embrace a mind-body approach to wellness. Among the various modalities I explored, I developed a committed practice of martial arts and meditation, which became instrumental in my recovery and remain central to my life today.


Growing up mixed-race across America, France, and Germany, I developed a unique perspective on diversity and unity. My parents were Cuban and Chinese political refugees who began their lives in the United States in extreme poverty, working as minimum-wage immigrant laborers. In contrast, through my career as a classical musician, I was granted access to elite circles and, by my teenage years, surrounded by extreme wealth and luxury.

The stark contrast between my background and the world I entered through my professional achievements created a deep identity crisis, leaving me struggling to understand who I was and where I truly belonged.

As I traveled the world and navigated both my personal and professional life, I began noticing that, because I spoke multiple languages and felt at ease across diverse socioeconomic and cultural settings, I was welcomed by people from vastly different worlds—many of whom couldn’t imagine that I also felt at home among groups seemingly incompatible with their own.

Over time, I realized that my unique background and versatility gave me a rare superpower—a universal quality that allowed me to transcend any single category and embrace a fluid identity beyond narrow conventions of identity, division, and belonging.

This ability to break free from the binaries and stereotypes associated with being “one kind” of person has allowed me the rich and fulfilling experience of connecting with individuals across perceived divides. I’ve come to understand that, at our core, we share more in common than we often recognize.


My life experiences and insights into our shared humanity have deepened my commitment to fostering unity and compassion through my work. As an artist, I strive to embed inclusivity, resilience, and healing into my practice by creating spaces and projects where different worlds can intersect, allowing people from all walks of life to find common ground and connection.

My upcoming works include a documentary on mental wellness through martial arts, a book on the psychological impact of the intense worlds of classical music and Ivy League education, and music inspired by my journey of trauma healing following my personal mental and physical health crises.

As a public speaker and advocate, I share my story with audiences, championing growth, healing, resilience, and social unity while actively promoting greater inclusivity and diversity within the arts.

In a world where we are increasingly sharing and traversing borders, I recognize the need for advocacy with more sophistication and universal impact. Throughout my journey, I had to learn to fight for myself in order to find my voice and place in the world—and in the process, I learned to fight for others as well.

Today, I am dedicated to breaking down barriers so that creative spaces are open to all, fostering collective growth, inspiring transformation, and creating environments where individuals from all backgrounds can discover their own potential for growth and self-actualization.